"Every man is the architect of his own fortune." -- Sallus
Job – work that you regularly do to earn money
Apply for a job, get a job, find a job, do a job, be in a job, be out of job, leave your job, lose your job, job-interview, temporary / permanent job, regular job, part-time job, full time job, top job
Profession – a job that you need special skills and qualifications to do
The teaching / engineering profession, in a profession, go into / enter / join a profession
Jobs can offer then following prospects: promotion, financial reward, perks and bonuses, good job opportunities.
Questions about one’s job:
What do you do? What’s your job?
1. What kind of job would you like to have?
2. What would your friends and relatives think about your choice?
3. What kind of job would you least like to have?
4. What jobs, if any, do you think should only be done by men /women?
5. What’s more important to you: earning money or having a job you enjoy?
6. What job do you consider a good job for you?
7. Do you have any unusual ambitions?
8. What do you expect from your future job?
9. What do you need to do to get a good job?
Messiest Jobs? Cool Jobs? Be a designer!
About Careers
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