- Ребята, вы знаете, как приветствовать друг друга
Запишите диалог в словарную тетрадь и
разыграйте его в классе: Hello! - Hi!
- Умеете знакомиться и рассказывать о себе
Запишите фразы в словарную тетрадь
About You // О тебе
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Сегодня на уроке:
Учим стихи к неделе английского языка
Кто сможет выучить это стихотворение?
Завтрак короля
Прочитайте и послушайте рассказ про Джессику и трёх поросят
Для конференции о творчестве Сетона Томпсона
Learn about Wolves
Fast Facts
Type: Mammals, wild
Diet: can eat 9 kilograms of meat at a sitting
When hunting
alone, the wolf catches small animals such as squirrels, hares, chipmunks,
raccoons or rabbits,birds, fish, lizards, snakes.
A pack of wolves
can hunt very large animals deer, elk, and moose.
They almost never attack
humans, but can attack domestic animals.Average life span in the wild: 6 to 8 years
wolves have large feet. A fully grown wolf would have a paw print nearly
13 centimetres long and 10 centimetres wide.
Weight: 40 to 175 lbs
(18 to 79 kg)
Wolf pups are born deaf and blind while weighing around 0.5 kg (1 lb )
Group name: Pack
A pack
can range from two wolves to as many as 20 wolves
packs have the alpha pair, who lead the
When the pack kills an animal, the alpha pair always eats first
A wolf can run at a speed of 65 kilometres per hour during a chase.
Wolves have long legs and spend most of their time trotting (running) at a speed of 12-16 kilometres per hour.
They can travel 90 kilometres in one night.
Wolves have two layers of fur, an undercoat and a top coat. They are not afraid of temperatures as low at minus 40 degrees Celsius! In warmer weather they flatten their fur to keep cool.
When the pack kills an animal, the alpha pair always eats first
A wolf can run at a speed of 65 kilometres per hour during a chase.
Wolves have long legs and spend most of their time trotting (running) at a speed of 12-16 kilometres per hour.
They can travel 90 kilometres in one night.
Wolves have two layers of fur, an undercoat and a top coat. They are not afraid of temperatures as low at minus 40 degrees Celsius! In warmer weather they flatten their fur to keep cool.
Protection status: Endangered
Size relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man:
Read the story in English
Описание Лобо
Old Lobo, or the king, as the Mexicans called him, was the gigantic
leader of a remarkable pack of gray wolves, that had ravaged the
Currumpaw Valley for a number of years. All the shepherds and ranchmen
knew him well, and, wherever he appeared with his trusty band, terror
reigned supreme among the cattle, and wrath and despair among their
owners. Old Lobo was a giant among wolves, and was cunning and strong
in proportion to his size. His voice at night was well-known and easily
distinguished from that of any of his fellows.
... there revealed before me stood Lobo, King
of the Currumpaw, firmly held in the traps. Poor old hero, he had never
ceased to search for his darling, and when he found the trail her body
had made he followed it recklessly, and so fell into the snare prepared
for him. There he lay in the iron grasp of all four traps, perfectly
helpless, and all around him were numerous tracks showing how the cattle
had gathered about him to insult the fallen despot, without daring
to approach within his reach. For two days and two nights he had lain
there, and now was worn out with struggling.
I set meat and water beside him, but he paid no heed. He lay calmly on
his breast, and gazed with those steadfast yellow eyes away past me down
through the gateway of the canyon, over the open plains--his plains--nor
moved a muscle when I touched him. When the sun went down he was still
gazing fixedly across the prairie. I expected he would call up his band
when night came, and prepared for them, but he had called once in his
extremity, and none had come; he would never call again.
Listen and Read
A lion shorn of his strength, an eagle robbed of his freedom, or a dove
bereft of his mate, all die, it is said, of a broken heart; and who will
aver that this grim bandit could bear the three-fold brunt, heart-whole?
This only I know, that when the morning dawned, he was lying there still
in his position of calm repose, his body unwounded, but his spirit was
gone--the old kingwolf was dead.
I took the chain from his neck, a cowboy helped me to carry him to the
shed where lay the remains of Blanca, and as we laid him beside her,
the cattle-man exclaimed: "There, you would come to her, now you are
together again."
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
- Рассказываем о своём доме My House
- Повторяем грамматику//Grammar Review:
Настоящее совершённое время
(Present Perfect Tense)
have (has) Ved // have (has) V3
Отрицательные предложения
Обсуждаем тему "Meals. Food".
1) Why is breakfast fun for them?
2) What school lunch is the best?
Это интересно!
Хотите узнать, что рассказывают о школьной жизни дети из разных стран мира в своих презентациях?
- A Typical School Day ||Типичный школьный день
Что бы вы рассказали о своём типичном школьном дне?
An English Girl's Typical Day // Обычный день английской школьницы
An English Girl's Typical Day // Обычный день английской школьницы
- Школьные переменки и школьный обед || Recess and Lunch
Что вы делаете во время переменок и как проходит ваш школьный завтрак (обед)?
- Школьные завтраки в разных странах // Food
А что у вас на завтрак? Какую еду вы любите?
Еда (что с чем сочетается?)
Из каких продуктов готовят любимые блюда?
Make your presentations about your family's special days and your favourite food.
Еда (что с чем сочетается?)
Из каких продуктов готовят любимые блюда?
Make your presentations about your family's special days and your favourite food.
Что мы уже изучили и повторили:
названия учебных предметов и другие слова по теме School ,
а также степени сравнения прилагательных.
Повторили тему:
Внешность \ Appearance
Создайте портрет, напишите на тетрадном листе
словесный портрет
- Проверьте свои память и внимание
Обсудили тему: "Твои обязанности по дому"
(прочитай электронную книжку и выполни задания!)
(вы написали небольшой рассказ)
- "Наведи порядок в комнате" Make Your Room clean and green
Викторина: Сегодня и 100 лет назад
(настоящее и прошедшее время, работа по дому и др.)
Изучили тему: Animals in Our Life
Мы рассказали о домашних животных, о зоопарках, о диких животных.
Прочитай Анин рассказ в картинках о домашнем питомце
Дорогие ребята!
Этот хомячок будет жить на вашей страничке.
НЕ забывайте кормить его и играть с ним.
Do you like our classroom pets?
What can the hedgehog do?
What does it eat?
- Повторили тему "Лондон"
- Sightseeing Tour
Рассказ об экскурсии по Лондону
- Прочитайте и послушайте сказку о животных
- Весёлая песенка-алфавит: повторите буквы
- Игра Find Your Inner Animal (Какое животное - твоё?)
- Очень лёгкий тест о животных a very Easy Test about Animals
- Какое это животное? (играй и учи английский)
- Животные в опасности
- Узнайте что-то новое о животных
- Найдите информацию о своих любимых животных
- Feed the animals
(глаголы в прошедшем времени)
- Посмотрите видео и послушайте стихотворение. Выпишите названия животных (обратите внимание на произношение этих слов на американском варианте английского языка). Почему родители не будут больше отправлять своего сына за покупками? посмотреть видео здесь
- Внимательно рассмотрите картинки. Запишите названия этих животных в свою словарную тетрадь.
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