Дорогие ребята!
Сердечно поздравляю вас с окончанием школы!
Пусть вам сопутствуют удача и успех, пусть в вашей жизни всегда будут любовь и дружба, пусть сбываются ваши мечты! Пусть всё у вас будет хорошо.
Ваша В.П.
Congratulations to Valera
Read about Valera:
Proudly presenting my students...
Some time ago I read an article about the Club of Funny (merry) and Inventive People.
read about KVN in Wikipedia and here
These photos are from portamur.ru
Посмотрите видео
Congratulations to Valera
with the first place in the city Olympiad!
You are the best!
We Discuss:
Lifelong learning

How to
- Make a presentation?
From "Effective public speaking" - exercise1, exercise 2, exercise 3
Выражения для презентации проектов
Во время подготовки:
чётко определите тему и основные пункты плана вашей презентации;
тщательно отбирайте необходимый фактичекий и иллюстративный материал;
отбрасывайте всё то, что не относится к теме презентации;
используйте слова и выражения, которые помогут сделать сообщение понятнее;
отрепетируйте своё выступление.
Во время презентации:
смотрите на тех, кто вас слушает,
выражайте идеи чётко и ясно, говорите только то, что вы понимаете;
не читайте текст, а рассказывайте.
Используйте ключевые или опорные слова;
время от время делайте паузы;
Полезные выражения для презентации:
скажите, о чём вы собираетесь говорить, назовите тему и основные части презентации:
I'm going to talk about (the city I live in).
I'd like to talk about ....
The subject / topic of my talk is...
The main focus of my presentation is ( topic).
I'm going to divide this talk into 4 parts:
I'd like to begin / start by ...
Let me begin by explaining ...
Основная часть:
используйте вводные фразы и средства логической связи:
First of all, ...
Secondly // Then // Next // lastly // Finally // To sum up..
Чтобы привлечь внимание к какой-то информации (графику, фотографии и т.д.):
Let's take a closer look at ..
Pay attention to the fact that ...
Have a look at the pictures / photos / maps / graphs / illustrating my words and ideas.
Чтобы перейти к следующему пункту плана/ слайду и т.д.:
The next issue / topic / problem I'd like to focus on is ...
If you look at this graph / picture / photo ... you can see that ....
Let's look now at ... As you can see....
I'd like now to discuss...
Now let's move to the next slide / part of the presentation.
Заключительная часть:
Let's summarize briefly what we have looked at...
So, let me remind you of some of the issues we've looked at (talked about)...
Unfortunately, we've run out of time, so I'll conclude very briefly by saying that ....
That's all I wanted to say about ....
Read more here
- Write a letter // Как написать письмо?
О письменных заданиях
Как написать письмо другу
Writing a Letter to the Editor
Sample Formal Letter (written by a student)
Read more Formal Letters
Read what students write about Travelling
How to Write Speeches and Scripts
The Rules of Story
How Texting is Changing English
How to Start a Conversation
What We Learn
my presentation about hobbies
Science and Technology
Video lesson about DNA
Extensive Listening: Science Under Attack
Scientific Advances for the Future
UFO Sightings
Read more about cloning and do the tasks
Future Technologies
Science fiction to become reality?
Future / Continuous or Perfect?
Reported Speech
How to... make a presentation
Sorry to say, but many of your presentations were not successful. You were not to the point, and you didn't know what and to say about your posters.
1. Opening
Study the vocabulary and the script of the presentation here
Listen to the audio file in BBC Learning English
2. The Main Body
audio - main body of the presentation
The script and the phrases
Listen to some tips
List of useful phrases
The expert's advice
An Interactive Quiz
II. More about Presentations here
We Discuss
The Job of Your Dream
Полезные ссылки по теме
The Univercity of your choice
Cambridge Video
Read (listen) about different jobs and professions in Paws in Jobland
Speaking about Good Jobs text
From BBC Learning English:
Jobsearch: Where to look
(Выбрать подходящее слово, проверить правильность выполнения)
Get that Job Activity
Participating in Society
Additional Tasks (Дополнительные задания на аудирование)
Listen to some people speaking about what they do to help others:
Listening from 4 corners audio
The Elephant Man - a story from 4 corners audio
"Politics and You"
Government in Russia
The TIME: Person of the Year
21 century Politicians
What Does Government Do? (The USA)
Выдающиеся люди России / Prominent Russians:
Leo Tolstoy
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Dmitry Mendeleev
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
Политические деятели / Politicians: open here
Vladimir Monomakh
Kuzma Minin and Count Dmitry Pozharsky
Прочитать информацию на английском языке:
Valentina Matvienko Vladimir Zhirinovsky Gennady Zyuganov
Pyotr Stolypin Nikita Khrushchev
Andrey Sakharov
Выборы Elections
Фоторепортаж о выборах
Михаил Прохоров: фотографии и информация:
Mikhail Prokhorov
Vladimir Putin
The TIME: Person of the Year
21 century Politicians
What Does Government Do? (The USA)
Выдающиеся люди России / Prominent Russians:
Leo Tolstoy
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Dmitry Mendeleev
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
Политические деятели / Politicians: open here
Vladimir Monomakh
Kuzma Minin and Count Dmitry Pozharsky
Прочитать информацию на английском языке:
Valentina Matvienko Vladimir Zhirinovsky Gennady Zyuganov
Pyotr Stolypin Nikita Khrushchev
Andrey Sakharov
Выборы Elections
Фоторепортаж о выборах
Михаил Прохоров: фотографии и информация:
Mikhail Prokhorov
Vladimir Putin
We Study
Read about globalization here
Advantages and Disadvantages
http://en.wikipedia....i/Globalization - encyclopaedia entry about Globalisation
http://www.globaleducation.edna.edu.au/glo...offonce/pid/178 — the main facts about globalisation
http://www.globalisationguide.org/ - the key questions on globalisation
http://www.darksepte.../advantages.htm — advantages and disadvantages of globalisation
http://lifestyle.iloveindia.com/lounge/pro...ation-3507.html — pros and cons of globalisation
http://www.buzzle.com/articles/pros-and-co...balization.html — an article about pros and cons of globalisation
http://news.bbc.co.u...int/4534519.stm — BBS NEWS article where the effects of globalisation are discussed
http://en.wikipedia....zation_movement - encyclopaedia entry about Anti-globalisation movement
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_demon...e_globalization — list of demonstrations against globalisation
http://en.wikipedia....ri_Hvorostovsky - encyclopaedia article about D.Hvorostovsky
http://en.wikipedia....i/Elvis_Presley - encyclopaedia article about Elvis Presley
http://en.wikipedia....ireille_Mathieu - encyclopaedia article about Mireille Mathieu
http://en.wikipedia....iki/The_Beatles - encyclopaedia article about the Beatles
http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...nationality.htm — what are the national identities of the people living in Britain
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Nat..._United_Kingdom — nationality of people from the United Kingdom
http://www.sovereign...cles/immig.html — a history of immigration to Britain
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-51...outside-EU.html — some statistical information on how many immigrants enter Britain every day
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_t...gdom_since_1922 - encyclopaedia entry about immigration to the united Kingdom since 1922 to these days
Text Declaration for all life on Earth
Video Declaration
Эссе о культуре
Эссе 11-летней американки о влиянии культуры
Personally, I value my own culture very, very, deeply. I am proud that my country (America) has excellent education options, I am proud of what we have to offer, I am proud that we can choose our own religions, and I am proud that we are a democracy.
I have my own beliefs, thoughts, opinions, and traditions. Some of my beliefs even differ from my family’s and what I am taught. It’s true; no one can be told to believe anything. But everyone overlooks my differences, and they accept my individuality. Frankly, I am rather proud of my family’s beliefs and my own unique culture, but this doesn’t mean that our culture stands out above all others. I don’t let the fact that I am my own person separate me from those of the cultures.
I would like to think that I accept each and every culture as equals, respecting them as I would respect my own. I am even quite interested in other cultures, and I always do my best to learn as much as I can about them. You never know; when you educate yourself on the ways of another culture, it may just affect your own culture. That is not necessarily a negative thing. I think that without realizing it, several of our people’s cultures have impacted one another substantially.
Therefore, I suggest that we should attempt to embrace each other’s differences. It is thought that the human race strives for perfection although it can never be achieved. After all, we live only to improve and evolve. The main reason we are here is to make the world a better place for the future generations to come. If this is true, than I feel that such acceptance would lead to a safer, more sophisticated future. Perhaps we could even gradually eliminate the harmful activities that are tearing us apart, such as war and failure to accept other religions.
So, instead of trying to convert others to one main culture, we should merely let others be different. After all, how can we call ourselves united without differences in opinion? To act as one, we don’t have to think as one. But we do have to treat each other as one.
Прочитайте эссе победителей конкурса 2013 года
Конкурс эссе Creating teh Future we Want
Эссе победителя 2012 года (Беларусь)
Эссе 2012 года
"English - a Global Language"
- В каких странах говорят на английском языке? Обучающая игра English Speaking Countries
- The English Language Statistics & History
- Выполните Тест "Английский язык"
- Повторите названия национальностей и другие прилагательные
- British \ American English
- How to understand the differences between British and American English
- Тест 10 Minute Test
Ways of Expressing the Future
going to - to express a personal intention or make a prdiction
shall / will - to express a future fact, a sudden decision, an offer, a threat, a promise, an opinion about the future, a probability especially after think, suppose, expect, doubt if.
is coming - to express planned or personally scheduled events. usually used with come, go, begin, start, finish, have, etc.
Present Simple - to express something to happen in the certain future, something already arranged as in a time-table or programme.
is to / are to - to express an instruction or something arranged officially
about to / due to - to describe actions that are expected to happen, usually in the very near future
Robots of the Futute
What can the robot do?
The upgraded NAO (pronounced: 'Now') robot, created by French company Aldebaran Robotics, can sing, dance, take photographs and communicate in nine languages, making it one of the smartest personal automatons around.
Watch the video and think about The Impact We Make on the Earth
Conditional Tutorial
Past Conditional
Mixed Conditionals
From http://www.englishpage.com/:
Mixed Conditional
· If
I had won the lottery, I would be rich.
But I didn't win the lottery in the past and I am not rich now.
But I didn't win the lottery in the past and I am not rich now.
· If
I had taken French in high
school, I would have more
job opportunities.
But I didn't take French in high school and I don't have many job opportunities.
But I didn't take French in high school and I don't have many job opportunities.
· If
she had been born
in the United States, she wouldn't need
a visa to work here.
But she wasn't born in the United States and she does need a visa now to work here.
But she wasn't born in the United States and she does need a visa now to work here.
· If
I didn't have
so much vacation time, I wouldn't go with
you on the cruise to Alaska next week.
But I do have a lot of vacation time and I will go on the trip next week.
But I do have a lot of vacation time and I will go on the trip next week.
· If
Cindy were more creative, the
company would send
her to New York to work on the new advertising campaign.
But Cindy is not creative and the company won't send her to New York to work on the new campaign.
But Cindy is not creative and the company won't send her to New York to work on the new campaign.
· If
Dan weren't so nice, he wouldn't be tutoring you in math
But Dan is nice and he is going to tutor you tonight.
But Dan is nice and he is going to tutor you tonight.
Прошлогодняя страничка для десятиклассников
The More We Study, The More We Know
Выучите шутку наизусть:
Чем больше учим, тем больше знаем?
Electronic Dictation
(Я записала слова и выражения из раздела 2, которые мы с вами изучали на уроке. Проверьте свои знания: запишите по-английски, переведите на русский язык. Голос компьютера)
Words and Expressions from Section 2
Read about "Civilization"
Some facts about ancient Egypt
Theme: Family Matters
Unit 1
Progress Check:
To see the tasks click the link:Unit 1
Comment on
the following opinion:
Doing sport
is good for healthy living. Some people, however, think that cruel sports like
boxing, freestyle wrestling and even hockey should be banned.
Use the guidelines:
to what extent you agree or disagree with this opinion
your arguments ‘for’
your arguments ‘against’
- Explain why you disagree with your opponents
- Explain why you disagree with your opponents
your conclusion
Useful language
I agree / disagree with the opinion that …
I cannot
support the opinion that …
partially agree that …
It is true that
However, … Finally, … In conclusion, …
Write at
least 100 words
We have studied:
Theme: Your Daily Life
Words and expressions to remember:
Time expressions:
manage / save/ schedule time,
spend / waste time,
in time, just in time, on time, time out, time off,
schedule, to-do list, assignment,
compulsory, elective subject, extra-curricular, long-term
Tips: How to make your schedule work:
1. Use the same place to study every day
2. Work at your best time of the day
3. Avoid distractions.
4. Study difficult or boring subjects first.
5. (Add your tips).
ex. 141 p. 48
Do the tasks:
- Mini-project: Gain Time
Make an ideal time-table for yourself.
Try to include everything you should and would like to do but be reasonable.
- Make a schedule for a week.
Theme: Music
Read articles about Music in the Teens MagazineYour Teacher's question: What article has interested you? Why?
Listen to Once Upon in December ...
About Beyonce's Biography
Music Styles: Tests
Play the game:
Guess the words About Music
Can Anyone Learn To Sing?
watch the video and do the tasks!
Do you know the words?
A vocal coach - a teacher who gives private singing lessons
A musical tune - a melody
Выучите одну из песен, опубликованных на главной странице.
More Songs for you to listen and learn:
Do the tasks:
Write an article "Music in my life"
Выражения для презентации проектов
Students' Video Project
Theme: Sport
Послушайте диалоги, заполняя пропуски в тексте.
Выучите диалоги наизусть:
- Make a short presentation during the Debat / Talk Show:
The History of the Olympic Games
- Tell about your favourite athletes. Write a description of their achievements.
About Olympic GamesAncient Olympic Games
Summer Olympic Games
Winter Olympics
(кликните на ссылку):
Theme: Fashion
- Сообщение блога от 30 сентября
(кликните на ссылку):
Silly Jokes
Повторяем грамматику
Reported Speech // Косвенная речь
Задания здесь
(кликните на ссылку)
(кликните на ссылку)
Выполните задание:
Хорошая школа это ...
(кликните на ссылку)
Одна британская школа
(кликните на ссылку)
Слушайте и читайте
(не забудьте нажать на значок Listen, чтобы послушать всю статью)
How to Do Homework Как выполнить домашнюю работу?
Motivation Мотивация
Why Apologize?
to study
Some of my Favourite Podcats
About Titanic
About Motoways in Britain
About Captain Scott - an English Explorer
The New Pandas
Grammar Girl (Advanced Level) POdcast
How to Write Speeches and Scripts
The Rules of Story
How Texting is Changing English
How to Start a Conversation
5 Tips to Better Conversations
The Rule of 3
Listen to English and Learn!
About Breakfast (REading & Listening)
About Titanic
About Motoways in Britain
About Captain Scott - an English Explorer
The New Pandas
Grammar Girl (Advanced Level) POdcast
How to Write Speeches and Scripts
The Rules of Story
How Texting is Changing English
How to Start a Conversation
5 Tips to Better Conversations
The Rule of 3
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