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В этом видео на сайте BBC вы сможете узнать историю этого корабля от строительства до катастрофы:
The Rise and Fall of Titanic
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Создана энциклопедия Титаника "The Titanic", в которой опубликованы факты, документы и архив BBC http://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/:
The RMS Titanic was a British registered four funnelled ocean liner built for the transatlantic passenger and mail service between Southampton and New York.
Constructed at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast, Ireland Titanic was, on her maiden voyage, the largest vessel afloat.
On April 10th 1912 the Titanic sailed from Southampton with 2,200 passengers and crew, four days later the Titanic collided with an iceberg and sank. 1500 people died and 700 survived. This website attempts to tell their story and that of the great ship with which their fate would be inextricably linked.
Художественный фильм "Титаник"
стал один из самых любимых фильмов и мои ученики много раз смотрели его на английском языке на уроках и занятиях Клуба английского языка. Видео нам прислали друзья нашего Клуба в 2004 году. Our Friends' letter to the English Club about the film:
Have you heard of the story of the Titanic? It was built in 1912 I think, and was the largest and most advanced ship of its day, and extremely luxurious. It was supposed to be unsinkable, and its maiden (first) voyage was a big event. There were all sorts of rich and famous people on it, and a very large number of what were called steerage (4th class) passengers, poor people emigrating to the United States (the voyage was from England to New York). These people were supposed to stay below decks, and not mix with the rich and famous. A short way into the voyage, the bloody thing collided with an iceberg and sank with remarkable speed, and large numbers of people died, trapped in the sinking ship, or dying in the icy water. Shamefully, most of those who died were the poor, trapped in the ship. The Titanic has become a sort of shorthand word for boastful and
unsuccessful enterprises. Roger and I say of book or film we don't like 'That's one for the library of the Titanic' i.e. we want it to sink to the bottom of the ocean.The film starts with a search crew looking for the wreck, and eventually finding it, and a picture of one of the passengers. This turns out to be the last survivor of the Titanic, a woman who is now very old. Then the film moves to the voyage, and the woman as she was, young and beautiful. She falls in love with a young man who is one of the steerage passengers, and then the ship sinks and he heroically sacrifices his life to save her. The actual events of the sinking are well documented, and a number of true events are included in the film, including the ship's orchestra playing hymns on the deck as people scrambled for safety, and the elderly woman who refused to leave her husband when she could have been saved, and they died together. I couldn't care less about the love affair, and there is no doubt the effects of the ship sinking are absolutely spectacular.
I think you will enjoy Titanic, and the students will as well. I will post it next week. I have also bought a book of ghost stories, and will read it before posting that as well.
Keep cool
Прочитайте в Википедии о Титанике:Read in Wikipedia about Titanic (in Russian)
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