Вот как описывает Миссис Талл праздник, организованный жителями улицы в небольшом городке недалеко от Лондона. Из письма становится понятно, кто был инициатором и главным организатором этого народного праздника.
Dear Valya,
You asked me to write about the street party so here goes.
We closed off both ends of the road with barriers at about 12.00. People had been out all morning, putting up flags and bunting. I had 2 flags outside the house and 3 little union jack windmills in my window boxes. I think the children must have been watching, because as soon as the barriers went up, out they all came with their bikes and roller skates and scooters, and began riding up and down, offering each other food and drink, taking photos and chatting. Lots of people were wearing union jacks or other red white and blue things, hats and scarves and so on. I had a headband myself with long springs on the top, each with a small crown. I looked ridiculous, and didn't care one bit.
Rain had been forecast, and the day was cloudy and cool. People also brought
out their music systems and we had music all day. There is a young woman who lives locally who is a musician, and she sang and played out in the street which went down very well. Lots of people brought out their dogs who also joined in and were made a fuss of by everyone. Because there were so many people about, and there was no traffic, the children just roamed about at will, we hardly saw Maddie all day, which was really nice for her.
Our local MP turned up and presented me with a certificate, which people have asked for copies off as souvenirs of the day. When we get it back I will scan it and send you a copy. Quite a few people came up and thanked me for organizing the party, which was flattering but a little embarrassing.
At 4.00 we had a children's parade where they dressed up as boats (like the queen's very wet river flotilla) which was great fun. It started to get cloudier and eventually started to rain. A lot of us stayed out and had drinks in each other's gardens, but eventually it got too wet and windy, so we took down the barriers, and called it a day at about 7.00 pm. It was all great fun and I'm glad we did it.
Write soon.
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