1. Уроки "Русской службы BBC"
Английский Экспресс здесь
Урок 1. Приветствие.
Урок 2. Английский для дружеского общения
Слушайте и учите слова и выражения:
- Chit-chat (разговор о том, о сем / болтовня)
- Straight away (сразу, немедленно)
- It's a lovely day, isn't it? (Прекрасный день, не так ли?)
- It's hot in here. (Здесь жарко.)
- Let me open the window. (Позвольте мне открыть окно.)
- Personal question (вопрос личного характера)
- Where are you from? (Откуда вы родом? / Откуда вы приехали?)
- Are you here on holiday? (Вы здесь в отпуске?)
- Are you studying here? (Вы здесь учитесь?)
- I'm here on business. (Я здесь по делам.)
- I live round the corner. (Я живу за углом.)
- That's handy. (Это удобно.)
- To bump into smth./smb. (наткнуться на ч-л. / случайно встретиться с к-л.)
2. Список аудиоуроков курса
Так говорят в Америке
Курс разговорного английского языка
(американский вариант)
Level 1// Уровень 1 здесь!
Lesson 2. Hello!
Lesson 3 I'm here!
Is there a supermarket near here?
Marsha's work number is ......
Until next time!
Lesson 4 What is it?
How are you two?
I am great!
But you learn a little more every day.
How's the new apartment?
Let's get coffee!
Lesson 5 Where are you?
Here we are!
It is a beautiful kitchen!
We cook in the kitchen.
It is a beautiful kitchen!
We cook in the kitchen.
I eat in the kitchen.
We relax in the living room.
let’s go upstairs!
I wash in the bathroom.
We sleep in the bedroom.
We relax in the living room.
let’s go upstairs!
I wash in the bathroom.
We sleep in the bedroom.
Lesson 6 Where is the gym?
People like to work out!
How’s it going?
It’s going great.
How’s it going with you?
Things are awesome!
I want to work out.
Where is the gym?
The gym is across from the lounge.
It’s next to the mailroom.
Go that way.
Anna: Thanks, Pete!
Not that way! Go that way!
The gym is across from the lounge.
It is behind the lobby.
This is a parking garage.
This is a rooftop.
Join me!
Lesson 7 What are you doing?
please call me Caty
Just Caty.
This day is not going well.
What’re you doing?
I am bothering people.
Lesson 8 Are you busy?
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