Дополнительные задания
для учащихся 11 класса
Ваша прошлогодняя страница
What Do We Study at the Lessons?
The Job of Your Dreams
The Job of Your Dreams
1. Choosing a profession
- Где прочитать рассказы, эссе подростков о планах на будущее, о выборе карьеры, профессии? Какие профессии сегодня самые популярные в мире? Какие профессии по данным на текущий год наиболее популярны в Америке, Канаде и Великобритании? Какие сферы деятельности наиболее привлекательны сегодня для молодежи в России? Какие существуют самые смешные и необычные профессии? Где найти профессиональные советы подросткам и их родителям о том, как выбирать будущую профессию?
http://skola.amoskad...htm/at/at11.htm — an essay on «My future plans»
http://www.sciaga.pl...my_future_plans — thoughts of a student from Poland about his future plans
http://www.gvsu.edu/clas/index.cfm?id=F7BB...21BD313D17430A5 — future plans of some pupils
http://www.123helpme...w.asp?id=125989 – my future job/career essay
http://www.examplees...per/100304.html – an essay “My future goals”
http://www.freeessay.../18/erk48.shtml – an example of an essay on choosing a career
http://www.articlesbase.com/college-and-un...ay-1045280.html – an article about the most popular professions of today
http://www.jabulela.com/politics-business/...rofession-today – a list of the most popular professions today
http://www.fastcompany.com/articles/2007/0..._jobs_2007.html – a list of top jobs in 2007
http://www.alec.co.uk/free-career-assessme...lar-careers.htm – the top ten most popular careers for 2009 in the US, Canada and the UK
http://bd.english.fom.ru/report/cat/az/P/p...ssion/eof992504 – spheres of activities popular among today's young people in Russia
http://jobs.aol.com/articles/2009/01/26/am...t-unusual-jobs/ - America's most unusual jobs
http://www.bspcn.com/2007/10/19/top-10-mos...ollege-degrees/ - top 10 most unusual college degrees
http://careerplanning.about.com/cs/choosin...ight_career.htm – tips to help choose a right career
http://www.howtochooseacareer.com/ - a free professional article written for those who need help in choosing career
http://choosing-careers.suite101.com/artic...e_a_career_path – four ways to decide what career is right for a person
http://homeschool-graduation.suite101.com/...choose_a_career – how to help a teen choose the right career – advice for parents
http://careerplanning.about.com/od/advicef...and_Parents.htm – career advice for children, teens and parents
Read, Listen and... Think
Life After College
5 Ways to Get a Good Job
Future Technologies:
Imagine a world where technological advances make disease and illness a thing of the past. Imagine having the ability to store your life’s history into a device that you can use to bring your memory back to life when you need it.
These are all devices and developments that are currently being looked into by scientists and researchers from all over the world. Cellular phone technology is expected to be far more advanced over the next ten years or so.
Many cellular phones today are equipped to handle music files, videos and many other entertainment aspects. Imagine having a phone that will work with your home entertainment system and find programs that interest you and then automatically download those programs for you to watch on your way to work.
These cellular phones will be like having a virtual assistant in your pocket. And, technology improves and new developments are made with each passing year so having a phone like this in the near future is not so far-fetched.
Other technologies will also see growth and development. Having the ability to cure diseases before they even strike or the technology to implant vital organs to save lives are things that have been in constant development for several years.
The technology that surrounds medical research is substantially more advanced than it was even twenty years ago. Cancer could one day be completely curable not matter the type or how far advanced the disease is found to be.
Or, it could simply be one of those illnesses that individuals receive an immunization for when they are young so that they never contract the actual disease. Vehicles may actually be able to hover above the ground producing a much faster and more efficient way in which to travel.
Future technologies remain to be seen but one can assume at the rate that things have changed in the past, things will be much more advanced in the future.
The technology in the future may well not produce any of these things, but chances are better that they will.
Given what the world has now compared to what it had 100 years ago, it stands to good reason that future technology will bring us things that we simply can not live without.
January || Январь
Theme: Inventions
Computers Now and Then
11Innovations that Changed History
YouTube Video Timeline of Inventions
Inventions and People That Changed the World
Watch the Video and answer the question: Inventors: Thomas Edison
Listen and read about Thomas Elva Edison
The Int-t
True or False?
- The first wheel appeared about 4000 B.C. in ancient Mesopotamia
- Paper was invented in 105 A.D. in China
It's difficult to imagine it as invention, isn't it?
- Timelife of everyday Inventions
- From Fact Monster
- 1810
- Canned food is introduced.
- 1834
- The first refrigerator is invented.
- 1836
- Gas stoves are used in homes.
- 1869
- Margarine is produced.
- 1901
- Electric washing machine is invented.
- 1906
- The lightbulb is introduced.
- 1907
- Electric vacuum cleaner is introduced.
- 1909
- Electric toaster is made.
- 1911
- Air conditioning is invented.
- 1928
- Sliced bread is introduced.
- 1940
- Automatic dishwasher is manufactured.
- 1967
- Compact microwave ovens are sold.
November & December
Topic: What Helps You to Enjoy Yourselves?
Учите слова:
Types of Films slides
Film vocabulary
People speak about their favourite Films
Read: To dub or not to dub?
3D or not 3d?
Academy Awards
Film Reviews (most popular)
film reviews
A Film Review
how to watch a film
100 greatest actors and actresses
About Cate Blanchett Tom Cruise
Let's Go to the Movies
with The New York Times

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"International Day of Older Persons"Topic: What Helps You to Enjoy Yourselves?
Учите слова:
Types of Films slides
Film vocabulary
People speak about their favourite Films
Read: To dub or not to dub?
3D or not 3d?
Academy Awards
Film Reviews (most popular)
film reviews
A Film Review
how to watch a film
100 greatest actors and actresses
About Cate Blanchett Tom Cruise
Let's Go to the Movies
with The New York Times
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- О жизни пожилых людей
- About Summer Holidays: Listen, read and do the tasks
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- About Studying: Listen, read and do the tasks.
(кликните на ссылку выше)
Задания на повторение, грамматические игры и тестыВыполнить задание: Хорошая школа это ...
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Express your opinion:
Как выразить своё мнение
In my opinion
Personally, I feel // think // suppose // guess
It's not something I feel very strongly about, but...
I'm quite certain that...
Actually I feel quite strongly that...
I've never really thought about it, but I suppose ...
What I mean is ...
What to Read?
Read about Medicine
Healthcare around the world
From BBC News
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The World's Best Countries
(кликните на ссылку)
Timeline of the new healthcare bill
(кликните на ссылку)
From BBC News
(кликните на ссылку)
The World's Best Countries
(кликните на ссылку)
Timeline of the new healthcare bill
(кликните на ссылку)
Журнал для подростков:
10 Reasons to Miss School
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My Favourite Books
About Alice in Wonderland
About The Queen's Jubilee
Many articles about music
Summer Camp in America
Читайте и слушайте / Read and Listen
About friendship О дружбе
Internet Safety Безопасность в Интернете
Why do You Feel Tired? Почему Вы чувствуете усталость?
How to Pick a Good Book? Как выбрать хорошую книгу?
How to Do Homework Как выполнить домашнюю работу?
Motivation Мотивация
Eating Out Ресторан, кафе
Get Ready For Exams!
Develop your memory \\ Развивайте память!
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About Speaking \\ Говорение
Oral Presentation Tips
(кликните на ссылку)Listening - Задание на аудирование
Remember: The more you listen to English,
the better you will be at listening test and exams!

Tips from the British Council:
Что делать перед выполнением задания
Before listening
- Before you listen to the text read the questions very carefully.
- Underline the key information in the questions.
- Read all the options carefully.
- If there are pictures, look carefully and think about words to describe them in English.
- If there are numbers, dates, names or key words, say them to yourself to know how they sound.
Во время аудирования
While listening
If you don't know important words
Что делать, если вы не понимаете (не знаете)
ключевые слова в звучащем тексте
Listening Tasks:
True or False \\ Check your understanding
Multiple Choice \\ Check your understanding
Complete the notes
Writing - Письменное задание:
How to write Informal Letters
What to write in Informal Letters
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How to write A Letter to the Editor
С1. Напишите личное письмо
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Andrea who writes:
… My Mum often complains that I spend too much money on shopping. To tell you the truth, I like to buy beautiful things and spend all my pocket money on small souvenirs. I collect souvenirs. Do you or your friends collect anything? What do you and your friends do with your pocket money and why? What’s your parents’ attitude towards it?
As for the latest news, I have just entered courses…
Write a letter to Andrea.
In your letter
- answer her questions
- ask 3 questions about her courses.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
- Учимся писать эссе.
Comment on the following statement:
Some people think that boys and girls should study separately at different schools. Others think that they should be taught together.
What is your opinion?
Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
- make an introduction (state the problem)
- express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
- express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
- explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
- make a conclusion restating your position
Play the Games, Think and Learn:
Stress-O-Meter Quiz
Измерь свой стресс
Реклама и мы
Ad Decoder
Your Life Choices
Принимай правильные решения!
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Тренировочные тесты
Тема: Словообразование
Английская пунктуация
Знаки препинания в английском языке такие же, как и в русском: точка (a period или a full stop), запятая (comma), двоеточие (colon), точка с запятой (semicolon), вопросительный (question mark) и восклицательный (exclamation point) знаки.
· Точка ставится в конце предложения, важно, чтобы в предложении были и подлежащее.
· Двоеточие ставится в том случае, если необходимо указать дополнительные детали.
Перед цитатой или прямой речью можно поставить как двоеточие,так и запятую.
· Точка с запятой ставится в двух случаях:
1) Чтобы отделить два независимых предложения, выражающих одинаковую мысль. Оба предложения или одно из них может быть короткими.
2) Чтобы отделить группы слов, в которых есть запятые.
Запятая //Comma
1) Запятая используется при перечислении, причём перед союзом AND, который ставится перед последним словом в списке, также ставится запятая.
2) Запятая используется для отделения придаточных предложений и фраз, особенно, если они ставятся в начале предложения.
3) Для разделения двух независимых предложений (перед союзом 'but').
4) Запятая ставится перед цитатой или прямой речью.
5) Запятая может отделять определительное предложение.
· Ставьте запятую перед союзами и предлогами (and,but, yet,or, nor,for, so), которые связывают два главных предложения:
· Ставьте запятую между словами, фразами или предложениями, если их 3 и более (a series of three or more).
· Запятая ставится после вводной фразы
Однако, если нет опасности, что предложение не будет понято (т.е. после короткой вводной фразы), запятую можно не ставить.
· Некоторые слова или фразу отделяются двумя запятыми: She was, of course, very surprised.
· Причастия и причастные и деепричастные обороты также отделяются запятыми, особенно,если они стоят в начале предложения:
Exasperated, she made the decision to leave immediately.
Outraged, the entire committee resigned.
Outraged, the entire committee resigned.
· В сложно-подчинённых предложениях нужно очень внимательными, если в них есть следующие слова: after, although, as, because, before,if, since, that, unless, until, when,whether, which, while, and who.
· Запятая ставится, если придаточное предложение стоит перед главным (When a subordinate clause begins a sentence, always put a comma after it):
When it is cold, I sit in front of the fireplace.
- Если придаточное предложение стоит после главного, запятая не ставится. If the subordinate clause comes after the main clause, you usually need no punctuation.
We go for walk after the dishes are put up.
I like people who pat my head and give me treats.
With sentence 1 and 2, you could just as easily have written (again, pay attention to the punctuation):
I sit in front of the fireplace when it is cold.
After the dishes are put up, we go for a walk.
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