Иногда на экзаменах и собеседованиях задают вопрос:
What Is Your Ideal (Dream) Trip?
Послушайте, как на этот вопрос отвечают в видео:
Where To Go:
Ideal Trip Destination
Learn How to plan your vacation, and what places to visit. You'll also find some road games. Look at the interactive map and drag the dot to see the geographical name and the picture:

А в этом письме
Миссис Талл написала мне о том, что она могла бы взять с собой, если бы отправилась вместе со мной во Владивосток. Надеюсь, вы оцените чувство юмора нашей замечательной англичанки!
Going to Vladivostok (One Of Mrs Tull's Letters)
If you see a small and disorganized person pushing a wheelbarrow along
the platform of your local station, probably swearing loudly, it'll be me,
coming to join you on your way to Vladivostock. The wheelbarrow is because I
have never travelled on a Russian train, so I do not know how we are to eat and
drink, so I have decided to bring the following:
Chocolate, milk, plain, white, fruit and nut,
honeycomb, Bounty and Mars Bars, a box of Quality Street, Crunchies and Aero
Fresh fruit: apples, oranges, pears, bananas,
grapes and a fresh pineapple;
A sliced loaf, butter, cheese, cooked meat,
marmalade and a jar of raspberry jam;
Hairdryer, make up, nail varnish;
My new lilac pyjamas from Marks and Spencer,
spare pair for you;
Bed socks;
Face cream;
Everywhere else cream;
Shoes (high heels and flat);
2 trouser suits;
Plain black dress;
Jackets (various);
My overcoat;
Toy for Vladik;
Notebook, pen;
Credit cards;
I suppose I'll have to buy a ticket as well.
Do you think that will be enough? We can read,
talk, eat and drink and generally enjoy ourselves. I'd like to think of us
arriving in Vladivostok disgracefully inebriated and happy.
Best Wishes,