понедельник, 1 октября 2012 г.

International Day of Older Persons

Международный день пожилого человека

Being old is when you know all the answers, but nobody asks you the questions. (Anonymous)

  • Read, Listen, Think
The world is getting older and older. Not the planet, but the people who live on it. A new report reveals the global population of older people is growing at its fastest rate ever...

                                      World Population Aging

  • Послушайте и прочитайте рассказ
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Прочитайте статью о человеке, дожившем до 115 лет  here

What do you think of the poem?

Old people are rich :
they have silver in their hair,
gold in their teeth,
stones in their kidneys,
steel in their knees,

lead in their feet,
iron in their knuckles,
sugar in their blood,
and gas in their stomach.



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