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Игровой конкурс "Британский Бульдог"
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К сожалению, учащиеся нашей школы зачастую отказываются в нём участвовать, в то время как ученики других школ успешно выполняют задания конкурса и получают сертификаты.
проводится уже несколько лет.
К сожалению, учащиеся нашей школы зачастую отказываются в нём участвовать, в то время как ученики других школ успешно выполняют задания конкурса и получают сертификаты.
Ученикам 8-11 классов:
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Once … (11) beautiful maple tree grew in the centre of a large park. All summer it was covered with green leaves. Many people sat on the green grass under it and enjoyed its … (12) shade. But along with the fall came a change in the maple tree. Its green leaves began to turn red and yellow. So everyone said, “How beautiful … (13)!” The maple tree was glad to hear it and she became proud and vain. She spread out her branches so far that a little pine close by was almost hidden from … (14). “It doesn’t matter,” said the maple, “No one cares to look at him, he is … (15) plain little tree.” The pine heard the unkind words and sighed.
Just then a cold wind passed and said, “Why do you sigh, little pine?” The pine replied, “I sigh because the maple is so … (16) beautiful than I am”. The wind felt sorry … (17) him and whispered, “Only wait!” In a few days the leaves of the maple tree turned brown and fell to the ground. When the snow came, there was but one bright … (18) spot in the whole park, the brave pine with the needles … (19) they were when they first came … (20).
11. A) a B) the C) -
12. A) hot B) cool C) sunny
13. A) the tree is B) is the tree C) the tree
14. A) scenery B) sight C) scene
15. A) so B) such C) such a
16. A) more B) much more C) much
17. A) for B) with C) at
18. A) cheerful B) the cheerful C) cheerless
19. A) so green B) as green as C) green as
20. A) by B) out C) near
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