вторник, 11 сентября 2012 г.

School is Cool!

На наших первых уроках в новом учебном году мы говорим не только о прошедших каникулах, но и о школе. Предлагаю повторить слова и выражения по этой теме и выполнить следующее задание:

Выбери правильный ответ: Где находятся дети?      School
Знаете ли вы эти слова и выражения?
in the gym, in the hall, in the playground, in the library, in the science lab, on the sports field, in the classroom, in the corridor, in the canteen, in the computer lab

Choose the 5 most important and the five least important features of a good school. Explain your choice:

A comfortable and spacious school building
Highly qualified and creative teachers
Eager and willing pupils
Friendly  atmosphere
A lot of up-to-date equipment
Good sports facilities
A good canteen
A good medical centre
Psychological help
Career counseling
Up-to-date information technology and computer laboratories with Internet access
A swimming pool
Time-tested traditions
Good school furniture
Effective rules and regulations
School bus service
A clever and efficient headmaster or headmistress
Understanding and caring teachers
A good library with video and audio materials
Good school grounds fitted with everything necessary
Youth clubs
Drama, music and art societies
A big garden with flowerbeds and greenhouses

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